Ehang Finance (EF) Token Summary for Investors

The Ehang Finance (EF) token is a BEP-20 token deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This smart contract has been designed to ensure security, transparency, and efficiency in transactions, with specific features that make it attractive to investors and users within the Ehang Finance ecosystem.

Token Ticker

Ehang Finance (EF)

Total Supply



May 23, 2024 –  Aug 23, 2024 Tokens to sell: 2.000.000 EF

Initial Price

1 EF = 1 USD

Currencies Accepted
Hidden CAP
Revealed if 70% of the cap is reached
Token Delivery Date
1 week after closing token sale

Key Features

  1. Fixed Supply:

    • The total supply of Ehang Finance is fixed at 10,000,000 EF, ensuring scarcity and protection against inflation. No more tokens can be minted in the future, guaranteeing the token’s value stability.
  2. 1% Transaction Fee:

    • Every transaction made with the EF token has a 1% fee, which is automatically directed to the contract creator. This provides a continuous revenue stream to support the development and promotion of the project.
  3. Token Transfer:

    • Token holders can transfer EF between wallets securely and efficiently. The 1% fee is automatically applied, and the remaining amount is transferred to the recipient.
  4. Standard BEP-20 Functions:

    • totalSupply: Returns the total supply of tokens.
    • balanceOf: Shows the token balance of a specific account.
    • transfer: Allows transferring tokens to another address.
    • allowance: Shows the amount of tokens an owner has approved for spending by a third party.
    • approve: Allows a token holder to approve a third party to spend tokens on their behalf.
    • transferFrom: Allows transferring tokens from one account to another using a pre-approved amount.

Benefits For Investors

  • Transparency:
    • The contract code is public and verifiable on the BSC blockchain, ensuring total transparency in all token operations.
  • Security:

    • The contract follows industry best practices and is designed to minimize risks, protecting the funds of investors and users.
  • Creator Incentive:

    • The 1% fee for the creator ensures funds are available to continue developing and promoting the project, benefiting all token holders.
  • Immutability of Supply:

    • The token supply is fixed and cannot be altered, protecting investors against inflation of the token supply.

Use Case Example

EF tokens can be used for various applications within the Ehang Finance ecosystem, including but not limited to:

  • Payments:

    • Used as a medium of exchange in daily transactions, both within and outside the Ehang Finance ecosystem.
  • Incentives:

    • Rewards for users who actively participate in the community or platform, fostering adoption and use of the token.
  • Staking and Yield Farming:

    • Participation in staking or yield farming programs within the Ehang Finance platform, generating additional returns for token holders.
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